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Stuck in the Licensing Chaos After the Broadcom VMware Acquisition

The acquisition of VMware by Broadcom has emerged as a landmark event, capturing the industry's attention and sparking wid...

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VMware Cloud Data Management Cloud Infrastructure

How to Get the Benefits of the Cloud to Your On-Premises Workloads

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, businesses constantly seek ways to optimize their IT infrastructure, improve oper...

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Jens Herremans joins the new VMUGBE Leadership

Agisko consultant Jens Herremans just announced he will be joining the VMUG Belgium Leadership. Holding 4 VMware Master Se...

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VMware Rubrik Nutanix Citrix

How to protect against Log4j Vulnerability

Log4j affects thousands of companies worldwide! The Internet is being shaken up by a bug in Log4j. The leak was given the ...

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VMware Windows Virtual Desktop Microsoft Azure Horizon Cloud

5 Best Practices for Making Your Remote Work Environment Crisis Proof

Few of us realized when we celebrated the New Year that this year would be different. But 2020 will go down in history as ...

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